Dads! We have an awesome opportunity for you to bring your sons camping with us in late April. Here are the details:
We will be going to El Capitan State Beach, Group site Anza (less than a 20 minute drive away!)
The cost is $45 per camper of any age, which covers 2 nights tent camping, Friday and Saturday dinners, and Sunday breakfast.
Bring snacks for lunches, which will be free time or beach exploring, kite flying, bike adventures, whale tracking, surfing, dad son time.
Bring firewood if you would like, as well as bikes, tents, lunch, and snacks.
We are limited to 40 campers.
We will have fireside times, Dave Bramsen’s patented crummy prizes, and time to learn about the Ten Commandments!
Carpool if possible. State Beaches can be tight on parking.
Check-in starts at 3pm on Friday April 26th, with dinner around 7pm. Checkout is Sunday morning!
Make checks out to Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara with memo: "Fat-son Sp24", ($90 for 2, $135 for 3, $180 for 4). Checks may be given to Jon Ludwick or Dave Bramsen.
To sign up or ask questions, email Dave Bramsen at