We want to connect with you!
To get in touch with any of our staff members, please call our main office phone number and use the extensions listed below.
Main Office Phone: (805) 730-1400
Tommy Schneider
Senior Pastor
Ext. 129
Brandon Benjamin
Young Adults
Ext. 110
will bertha
High School Leader
Ext. 107
Adam cappa
Worship Pastor
Ext. 119
Scott dupar
Family Pastor
Ext. 103
jerry gray
Ext. 123
David Guzik
Teaching Pastor
Ext. 108
Pauli Hodson
Children’s Ministry Administrator
Ext. 102
Jon ludwick
Church Administrator
Ext. 414
Josh Magera
Junior High Leader
Ext. 131
Terry Mcelwee
Men’s Discipleship & Evangelism Pastor
Ext. 118
Assistant Pastor
Ext. 130
Ray Navaro
Facilities Manager/Assistant Pastor
heather neal
Care Ministry
Ext. 113
Debi Schneider
Women’s Ministry Leader
Ext. 129
bret shellabarger
Executive and Missions Pastor
Ext. 121
Sam Shellabarger
Media Producer
Ext. 117
Teaching Pastor
Ext. 122
Kevin Shrout
Children’s Ministry Director
Ext. 114
Carol smullens
Women’s & Recovery Ministry
Ext. 106
Hannah Stutzman
Children’s Ministry
Ext. 125
Heather Warren
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 129
ed ware
Worship Ministry Coordinator
Ext. 111
Our Elders
John davies
Drew dusebout
Jay stryker