Ministry: Blessings Foundation Ministry
Location: Chiang Rai, Thailand
Info: Ron serves in the Golden Triangle where Burma (now Myanmar), Laos & Thailand come together on the Mekong River. This area is one of the world's largest producers of opium and methamphetamines. Spiritual battles they face include: child prostitution, child slavery, AIDS, drug production & addiction and demon worship. Their ministry is to save as many children as they can, share the Gospel and make disciples for the Lord Jesus. For the past 25 years, God has allowed Ron to serve among the tribal groups of Southeast Asia including the: Hmong, Akha, Lahu, Shan, Karen, Lisa and Northern Thai.
About: When Ron was on military assignment in SE Asia, he promised himself as soon as he was financially able, he would return to the area to help children in need. In war, everyone suffers, but children always suffer a disproportionate amount of pain for circumstances they had nothing to do with. All too often, their childhood is lost, and their innocence stolen. After coming to faith in Christ in 1974, Ron realized the answer for the people of Thailand was the love and grace found in Jesus. Ron has been serving since 1991 in Thailand at an orphanage. They have 5 works, 4 in Thailand and one in Burma.
• Many to come to faith
• They would not get too comfortable & lose vision for the Great Commission
• God to come quickly, only He can heal this broken world (Rev 22:21)