Mike & sarah Vincent
Ministry: CC Rosarito / Saving Grace World Missions
Location: Rosarito, Mexico
Info: Mike and Sarah serve the Lord in a church called Capilla Calvario (Calvary Chapel) Rosarito, which is a bilingual church located in the Northern Baja city of Rosarito Beach. The church is over 15 years old, and ministers to over 1200 people and has sent out 18 church plants!
About: About 16 years ago, Mike and Sarah became the leaders in charge of short-term missions trips to Mexico in their local church. After a few of these trips, they saw the need for Bible teaching churches in Mexico. After praying over that need, they answered God's call just like Isaiah did in Isaiah Chapter 6, "Here I am, send me!" After spending 15 years there in Mexico, they can't wait to see what God is going to do in the next 15!
Children: Grace, Daniel
• God's blessing & provision fo their family
• They would train up & send out church planters to Mexico & beyond
• They would plug in & disciple those that make first time professions of faith